Monday, August 31, 2009

This was taken my first day of driving across country from Idaho.
Its a long exposure I took when arriving in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Awesome right?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I took this coming into San Francisco right as the plane was about to land.

Still waiting for the car but its ok... at least this didn't happen in the middle of nebraska

Monday, August 24, 2009

I like doing long exposures they are a lot of fun. This is more from camp.

Delay on the pictures of the car cause it needs a little work.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


pictures to come

Monday, August 10, 2009


Yes for those of you that did notice I left to a far away place called Cazadero. I've been there for about the last two months and that's why there have been entirely no pictures but I'm back and it's time for more pictures to be put out on a daily basis.

Yes, this is where I worked.
This was my tenth year at this camp and this was the best year EVER!
Though... for whatever reason I did not take as many pictures as I thought I would've.
Look at my handiwork! Aren't I awesome?

Well, in Idaho now awaiting word on cars and looking at them.